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The BBB Business Blueprint Education Series: AI + Your Business

Introducing The Business Blueprint, a new education series from the BBB of the Mid-South! We are thrilled to get started on a new journey of education to better empower our Accredited Businesses with the tools they need to take their business to the next level and stay informed!

Join us on March 6th for our first session: "Intellectual Property Protection and AI -
Can They Coexist?" AI is being used by many business owners in a variety of ways, including creative expression, content creation, branding, and inventions. In this interactive workshop, our speaker will provide an overview of how AI has affected intellectual property (IP) protection. We'll discuss both a legal and ethical framework for AI and IP to co-exist.

Expert Lauren Brown joins The Business Blueprint from her consulting firm, LRB Global Consulting Services, to educate our Accredited Businesses on the use of Artificial Intelligence and how to make it work for you and your business.

Join us for this free, three-part series on AI.

Part One: Intellectual Property Protection and AI -
Can They Coexist?
  • March 6th from Noon-1:30 pm
Part Two: How AI Impacts Trademarks, Copyrights, and Patents
  • March 27th from Noon-1:30 pm
Part Three: How to Protect Your AI-generated Content
  • April 24th from Noon-1:30 pm

** Free Education Series is Exclusive to BBB Accredited Businesses Only**


12 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. CST


3693 Tyndale Dr
Memphis, TN 38125