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Save the date! BBB teaming up with Parachute Credit Counseling for webinar to help young adults navigate credit and avoid scams

BBB of Upstate NY is teaming up with Parachute Credit Counseling to provide information on establishing and managing credit and avoiding common scams. 

BBB and Parachute Credit will go over the following topics:
-Top scams impacting BBB of Upstate NY
-Scams impacting young adults
-Tips for protecting your finanaces
-Establishing credit - good credit vs. bad credit
-Interpreting your credit score

Those interesting in attended can register using this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAqfuyhrTMsHd2loB719r9aAWTJnC9W4-tb 

Anyone with questions should contact Katarina Schmieder at kschmieder@upstatenybbb.org.