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BBB Serving Western Michigan Educational Foundation is your partner in the West Michigan philanthropic community. 

For Donors


Just like the Better Business Bureau helps consumers determine if a business is trustworthy or not, we seek to do the same thing for charitable and nonprofit organizations.

In partnership with the Wise Giving Alliance (our national counterpart) part of the services the we provide include a local database of nonprofits. Easily search and find out more about nonprofits in our area. 

This database includes a very compreshensive report (the Charity Review) on factors that allow donors to make educated decisions about the organizations they choose to contribute to.

We do the homework so you don't have to.

For Charities


We are a resource to help the public learn more about your organization.

We help connect you to a wider audience to promote your mission - with networking events, through our bbb.org charitable database online, and by highlighting the good work you do in the Western Michigan community .

Transparency matters to donors. NPOs who choose to complete a charity review have an easy to use resource that provides that transparency. We work alongside you to help meet those standards, and even provide assitance on best practices for accountablility, such as properly writing appeals and creating annual reports, as you work towards that goal. 


What's Does the Charity Review Cover?


Our Charity Review covers such factors as:

  • Governance - how the board is leading the organization. Are they doing the right things to set the nonprofit up for success. 

    This tells donors that they have good leadership at the helm and they put in the work to make their vision successful. They want to do things the right way to benefit their mission.

  • Finances - where is donor money going? Where is the organization spending it and how much is not being utilized? 

    This tells donors exactly what their contributions are supporting.

  • Fufillment of Mission - does the charitable organization self-regulate? Do their actions match what they say they are doing?

    Donors are fueled by the mission and vision of a nonprofit. Making sure that a charitable organization is living that mission matters.

  • Are They Telling the Truth - What is available publically for anyone to learn about a company?  Is any information being hidden that might effect someone's decision to support the organization?

That's not all..

Charity Reviews are only part of the services that the Educational Foundation offers. We provide programming for schools and community groups, host annual awards for Ethical businesses and more.